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Witamy w sklepie internetowym Bees Treasure
Welcome in Bees Treasure online store


    • Rated 5.00 out of 5

      Heather honey

      Rated 5.00 out of 5
      Heather honey - due to its unique taste, exceptionally rich content of enzymes and amino acids at extremely difficult conditions of obtaining, it is also very often called the king of honeys. It owes its unusual taste and smell to essential oils and over a hundred other substances originating from…
    • Rated 5.00 out of 5

      Rapeseed honey

      Rated 5.00 out of 5
      Rapeseed honey is colourless, sometimes straw or lemon-coloured and after crystallisation creamy white. It tastes very sweet, which makes it easily recognisable, with a slightly noticeable smell of flowering rapeseed. It is the honey with the highest glucose and amino acid content.Creamed rapeseed honey has a soft consistency, easy to…
    • Rated 5.00 out of 5

      Borage honey

      Rated 5.00 out of 5
      Borage honey is very delicate, it has a sweet yet fresh taste. Its subtlety is also emphasised by its natural, gently waxy aroma and creamy texture. The refinement of borage honey is complemented with its colours- from ivory to light beige. ... The short flowering period of borage flowers makes…
    • Rated 5.00 out of 5

      Wildflower honey

      Rated 5.00 out of 5
      Wildflower honey is unique because it is a mixture of the nectars of different flowers. Wildflower honey is collected by bees throughout the spring and summer from flowers growing in fields, meadows and forests. Wildflower honey is most often characterised by a light straw through dark tea colour, even to…
    • Rated 5.00 out of 5

      Lime honey

      Rated 5.00 out of 5
      Lime honey is considered by many to be one of the best kinds of honey. Obtaining this type of honey is extremely difficult, due to the fact that linden lime trees are rare in our country, which is why lime honey is so valuable and unique. It is characterised by…
    • Rated 0 out of 5

      Connoisseur set

      Rated 0 out of 5
      From: £33.00 / year
      Inimitable taste, depending on the variety of honey. Consistency, sweetness and health properties of honey depend to a large extent on the flowers from which the honey comes from. Some honeys have a gentle taste, while the others are strongly aromatic. Some honeys are perfect for baking, some for sweetening…
    • Rated 0 out of 5

      Daily immunity booster set

      Rated 0 out of 5
      From: £60.00 / year
      Wzmacnianie odporności warto zacząć wcześniej. Gdy odporność jest obniżona, często łapiesz infekcje, szybko się męczysz, źle sypiasz. Możesz wzmocnić swój układ odpornościowy, zażywając produkty pszczele  z naszej pasieki.Wzmocnienie odporności jest ważne, by nasz organizm sam mógł się bronić przed wirusami bakteriami i grzybami. Gdy do naszego organizmu wtargną drobnoustroje chorobotwórcze,…
    • Rated 0 out of 5

      Honey eater set

      Rated 0 out of 5
      From: £100.00 / year
      The majority of unfamiliar with beekeeping honey eaters are not even aware of the fact that in reality these are bees that produced the honey and beekeepers only deal with its extraction. Bees have to visit more than 2 mln flowers to produce 1 kg of honey and they cover…
    • Rated 5.00 out of 5

      Honey gift set 2 jars

      Rated 5.00 out of 5
      Local honey from our apiary is a healthy and unusual gift idea. Packed in an eco-friendly box it will satisfy not only your family or co-workers but also nature lovers. Our gift set offers three or two types of honey in jars with a capacity of 500g each. Additionally, a…
    • Rated 5.00 out of 5

      Honey gift set 3 jars

      Rated 5.00 out of 5
      Local honey from our apiary is a healthy and unusual gift idea. Packed in an eco-friendly box it will satisfy not only your family or co-workers but also nature lovers. Our gift set offers three or two types of honey in jars with a capacity of 500g each. Additionally, a…
    • Rated 0 out of 5

      Miód z maliną

      Rated 0 out of 5
      Naturalny wielokwiatowy miód z naszej pasieki w połączeniu z liofilizowanymi malinami stanowi pyszne i zdrowe połączenie będące alternatywą dla tradycyjnych miodów. Nasz miód z maliną nie zawiera żadnych innych dodatków oprócz liofilizowanej maliny. Pyszny smak uwielbiany przez dzieci i dorosłych oraz szerokie właściwości zdrowotne to tylko niektóre z zalet tego…
    • Rated 5.00 out of 5

      Honey with strawberries

      Rated 5.00 out of 5
      A combination of real wildflower honey with freeze-dried strawberries! The sweet flavour of honey goes perfectly with the slightly sour strawberry, creating an interesting composition of tastes. Our honey with strawberries does not contain any other additives apart from freeze-dried strawberries. Honey with strawberries from our apiary tastes delicate and…
    • Rated 5.00 out of 5

      Honey with blueberries

      Rated 5.00 out of 5
      Natural wildflower honey from our apiary in a combination with freeze-dried blueberries is a tasty and healthy blend, being an alternative for traditional honey. Our honey with blueberry does not contain any other additions apart from freeze-dried blueberry. Delicious taste loved by children and adults and wide health prosperities are…
    • Rated 5.00 out of 5

      Natural propolis tincture 70%

      Rated 5.00 out of 5
      Propolis, or bee putty, is a remedial and protective material produced by bees. It is used to seal and strengthen hive walls and combs. They do this to protect the bee colony from bacteria, infections, moulds and other microorganisms. Here the bees take advantage of the highly bactericidal and bacteriostatic…
    • Rated 5.00 out of 5

      Bee bread

      Rated 5.00 out of 5
      Bee Bread (Bee Pollen)- is a combination of pollen, honey, royal jelly and bee enzymes. Thanks to the high content of lactic acid and its antioxidant properties, bee bread can be stored for a long time without quality loss. Properties of bee bread: - in the composition of the bee…


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